It has only been 3 months into year 2009 and a string of unpleasant things are already happening all around me. My grandma got a minor stroke and was hospitalised for about 2 weeks. She has been discharged and is undergoing therapy treatment now. I hope she will be able to start walking soon. She is a strong woman even at 85 and I am sure she will be well soon.
One of my uncles (my mum's brother) passed away. He had kidney failure for many years and 1 day just fainted and never get up. There was a bump on his head and it was believed that is the cause of the death.
Another of my uncle (my dad's bil) had a heart bypass done last week. It is going to take him quite a while to recover as he is also suffering from kidney failure.
My boss had a heart bypass done early this month. He is young and with no other complications, so he is doing well. He is even replying emails now , when he really should be resting haha.....
I just heard yesterday that one of my customers has breast cancer and had already resigned under the advise of the doctor.
2 of my fellow colleagues got retrenched.
The takeaway for me from all these episodes is to treasure all close families and friends and try to spend as much time as possible with them, especially our parents. We really cannot anticipate what is going to happen tomorrow. And why are there so many people having heart problems right now, I believe the food that we intake and the amount of stress that we are experiencing contribute a big part to it. How to not be stress in this society ? Hai....