Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jon going for a surgery

Jon is going to have a minor surgery on Friday. The Registrar at KK diagnose it as Hydrocele while the Specialist at Gleneagles diagnose it as a Hernia. Hydrocele is the accumulation of fluids around a testicle while in Hernia, the hole is big enough that tissues and intestines can slipped into the scotum and causes the swell there. I have noticed before that they were slighly uneven in size but never have I thought that this is so serious that surgery is necessary. I even thought this is usual. I am now surprised that his PD has never noticed or even mention about it. I am quited pissed with that PD really....I should have gone to the same PD that Jayden used to go. Why does a trainee at KK can spot something unusal, while a private PD and a very experienced one at a private clinic cannot ??

Luckily, it is not a big surgery. Half an hour is all it takes. But he is going to need anesticia. This scares me off. He is only 2.5 years old plus him being a G6PD Deficient, there is going to be some pain relief medicine that he cannot take. I hope everything goes well and is going to be as simple and easy for the child as what I have read from the internet so far.


feliz said...

I'm sure all will be well again real soon. no worries. I heard this is quite common for kids their age.

Jessica said...

Not bad, u also know. A lot of people never even heard of it.